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New beginnings

Here's how I'm stepping into an ACCOUNTABLE boss. See, I'm not into new year's resolutions. They actually irk me out, but I seem to be in need of a lifestyle reset. So, if January 1 is where all the motivation and energy reside, so be it. I will make this my time of renewal, where I intend to be the manager of my health and lifestyle.

I've been overweight for as long as my last baby's age, who is over 3 years old. I've had my bouts of loosing and gaining weight, but none of those phases has stuck around this long, not at the "gaining" side of the scale anyway. I'm pretty active and eat relatively healthy, BUT the weight refuses to come off. Perhaps it's the kind of activity I engage in. Perhaps it's the rigor (or lack thereof) of my activities. Perhaps it's the portion size of my "healthy meals." Whatever the case may be, my body knows it needs to do better.

As I've mentioned, I'm not quite big on new year’s resolutions and I truly suck at fitness challenges, but I found some tangible challenges to aspire to that I think would help keep me motivated. I actually prefer to call these my fitness lifestyle goals, rather than challenges as I intend to keep them part and parcel of me. So far, I'm giving these a shot:

1. Dr. Ali Fitness Doc's January Photo-A-Day Challenge #teamFNHY

2. I Love To Run #2018GoldChallenge

3. Walk/jog two dozen (24) 5Ks in 2018

The first challenge is near and dear to my heart. It was put together by an amazing sister-friend, Dr. Ali of Fit and Healthy You (FNHY). Yes, the same Dr. Ali who put together the pack of 12 ladies who ran the #AllStarWrapStars Ragnar Relay team. I am so in awe of her efforts and still can't believe I was a part of such a wonderful experience. For this particular challenge, I like that there are numerous health & fitness nuggets to gain from each day’s photo activity.

The second challenge I seemed to have stumbled on to. The I Love To Run campaign came across my Facebook timeline at a time I was looking for something to keep me accountable for the long haul. I love the different levels that the challenge offers: 1000 miles/year, 1500 miles/year, 2000 miles/year, or 100 days/year. I elected for the 1500 miles/year. By my calculations, I figure I need to get at least 5 miles in each day to reach my goal by the end of the year. I managed to do over 6 miles on the first day.

The last challenge is borne out of my love of 5K's. There's just something about that distance (~ 3.1 miles) that gives me so much confidence. If I can't run it in under 10 minutes (and I never have), at least I know I can walk or jog it in about an hour. My goal is to complete 24 of these in 2018, an average of 2 per month. So far, I'm all signed up for the MLK 5K in this super wintery month of January.

This is going to be a no-pain, no gain year for me. I intend to put in all the work and reap all the benefits of a healthier, and truly sustainable lifestyle. Here's to a great 2018 ahead and a healthier ME for a lifetime. #212.3


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